sunflower seed pesto  being poured into jar

Introducing our vibrant and nutritious Hemp Seed Pesto recipe, a delightful twist on the classic basil pesto. Bursting with the earthy goodness of hemp seeds, the fresh flavors of spinach and basil, and the aromatic touch of garlic and lemon, this homemade pesto is a true culinary gem. Perfectly versatile and effortlessly customizable, it’s a fantastic addition to your culinary repertoire.

Whether you’re looking for a nut-free alternative, a boost of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, or simply craving a burst of flavor, this pesto delivers on all fronts. With just a handful of wholesome ingredients and a quick whirl in the food processor, you’ll have a vibrant green pesto ready to elevate your dishes to new heights.

From tossing with pasta to drizzling over salads, spreading on sandwiches, or using as a flavorful pizza base sauce, the possibilities are endless with this Hemp Seed Pesto. Get ready to infuse your meals with freshness, nutrition, and a burst of vibrant flavor with every spoonful of this homemade delight.

Sunflower seeds & sustainability

Sunflower seeds stand out as a sustainable superfood, offering numerous environmental benefits that surpass many other nuts. Cultivating sunflower seeds requires significantly less water compared to water-intensive crops like almonds. Additionally, sunflower plants have deep root systems that help prevent soil erosion and improve soil health, contributing to sustainable agricultural practices. Moreover, sunflower seeds are often locally grown in various regions worldwide, reducing the carbon footprint associated with transportation. Furthermore, sunflower seeds are rich in essential nutrients and can be easily incorporated into a variety of dishes, making them a versatile and eco-friendly choice for both consumers and the planet. By choosing sunflower seeds over other nuts, individuals can make a positive impact on the environment while enjoying a nutritious and sustainable food source.

Frequently asked questions

  1. What are the benefits of using hemp seeds in pesto? Hemp seeds add a nutty flavor and nutritional boost to the pesto, providing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, protein, and various vitamins and minerals.
  2. Can I substitute sunflower seeds for other nuts or seeds? Yes, you can customize the recipe by using different nuts or seeds according to your preference or dietary restrictions. Almonds, pine nuts, or pumpkin seeds can be excellent alternatives.
  3. Is this pesto suitable for those with nut allergies? Absolutely! This pesto recipe is nut-free, making it a perfect choice for individuals with nut allergies or sensitivities.
  4. How long can I store hemp seed pesto? Store the pesto in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to one week. You can also freeze it in ice cube trays for longer storage and convenient portioning.
  5. What dishes can I use hemp seed pesto for? Hemp seed pesto is incredibly versatile and can be used as a pasta sauce, salad dressing, spread for sandwiches or wraps, pizza base sauce, or stirred into soups for added flavor.

Tips for the best pesto

  1. Toast the sunflower seeds: Enhance the flavor of the pesto by toasting the sunflower seeds in a dry skillet over medium heat until golden brown and fragrant before adding them to the food processor.
  2. Adjust consistency: Depending on your preference, you can adjust the consistency of the pesto by adding more or less water. For a thicker pesto, use less water, and for a smoother consistency, add more water gradually.
  3. Personalize with herbs: Experiment with different herbs to customize the flavor of your pesto. Try adding parsley, cilantro, or arugula along with the basil and spinach for a unique twist.
  4. Control the garlic flavor: If you prefer a milder garlic flavor, reduce the amount of garlic cloves used in the recipe. Alternatively, you can roast the garlic beforehand for a sweeter, less pungent taste.
  5. Get creative with uses: Don’t limit yourself to traditional uses of pesto. Use it as a marinade for grilled vegetables, a topping for baked potatoes, or a flavor booster for scrambled eggs. Let your imagination guide you!
  6. Adjust the richness – you can add more or less olive oil to your taste and health preferences. If you’re not calorie counting and just care all about the taste, drizzle it in! If you’re watching the dial, rein it in.

Nut Free Hemp Seed Pesto

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Servings 5


  • ¾ cup sunflower seeds
  • ¼ cup hemp seeds
  • 3 large handfuls of spinach
  • 2 bunches of basil
  • 3 cloves garlic minced.
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • ¼ cup of fresh lemon juice
  • ¼ cup water


  • Add all ingredients to the food processor.
  • Blend until combined on pulse setting. Depending on how you like your pesto you can blend till creamy or under blend so that it has a chunkier texture to it.
  • Use for a healthy pasta sauce, salads, pizza base, whatever!
Course: Condiments
Keyword: Condiments

Hey there! I’m Britney, a nature-loving, wellness-conscious mum with a passion for flavorful, wholesome food. Whether I’m catching waves in Indonesia or cooking up a storm in the kitchen, I'm all about nourishing my body and soul. My love for the environment was ignited during travels to over 80 countries, showcasing the world’s breathtaking diversity. This inspired me to adopt a plant-based lifestyle, recognizing the profound impact of our dietary choices on the planet. I believe every meal can be a force for good in the fight against climate change, and I'm here to show you how simple shifts in our eating habits can make a significant difference. Let’s embark on this journey together towards a greener, more sustainable future, all through the simplicity of kindness, kind to yourself and out planet. Kind food. Kind thoughts. Better World.

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