Preheat the oven to 160 degrees. Lightly grease a round 10 inch tart pan (can also use 9 inch glass dish also)
Wrap beetroot in alfoil and place on a baking tray - bake for 40 minutes or until you can pierce with a knife. At the same time you can either bake off your pumpkin by slicing into large chunks and placing in the oven, or you can pan steam by placing a small amount of oil on a pan and placing a lid overtop. Filp halfway through. Make sure to slightly undercook pumpkin as it will be cooked further when in the quiche itself.
While your beetroot and pumpkin are cooking, prepare your crust – add all crust ingredients to the food processor until mixture resembles a dough.
Brush tart pan/tin with oil. Knead your dough and roll out with a rolling pin and then place in your tart tin, pressing into edges and making nice and neat.
Bake crust for 2-3 minutes or until it’s slightly dry to touch. Better to undercook as it will cook further later.
Now time to make the filling. Break apart tofu into pieces and add to the food processor with almond milk, nutritional yeast, turmeric, black salt, tahini, salt. Process until creamy.
Stir in herbs and spinach until all mixed together.
In a pan, sauté onion and garlic. Once cooked remove from heat and stir into processed tofu mix.
Place mixture into cooked crust. Cut a slice of beetroot and pumpkin and place on top and decorate with blobs of optional vegan cheese (feta would work best, or use our garlic cream/aioli recipe which works really well!)
Bake quiche uncovered for 40-50 minutes until quiche is firm. If the quiche is browning too quickly, cover with foil. If you can insert a knife and the tofu is set or not wet it’s ready to come out.
Cool quiche for 15 minutes before attempting to slice otherwise it may crumble apart. Enjoy!